4 Easy DIY Laundry Room Accessories


During my laundry room makeover, I decided that I needed a few other items. I added this cool shelf and wall art. But something was still missing.

I found this cool tip jar on Pinterest but making another wood project seemed like a daunting task, so I made a few concessions and decided to DIY some laundry accessories.

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Every laundry room needs a place to put lint, change, and lost socks, am I right?

Here are some ideas for you:

1 – Tip Jar

It is a pretty simple craft really.

Laundry Tip Jar

Laundry Tip Jar


  • Clear, empty mason jars 
  • Chalkboard paint
  • Foam brushes
  • Painter's tape
  • Chalk markers


  1. Start with a clean, empty Mason jar
  2. Tape off the shape you want using the painters tape
  3. Using a foam brush, spread the chalkboard paint inside your shape
  4. Wait one hour before applying another coat
  5. Once you are happy with the coverage, carefully remove the painters tape.
  6. Write your funny phrase with the chalk marker
  7. Collect your coins and eventually give them to your kids, because that's where all your money goes anyway!

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2 – Sock Corral

I don’t fold socks in the laundry room, in fact, I don’t fold any clothing in the laundry room. Partially because I don’t have a folding table, and partially because I would rather be watching football (unless it’s not football season and then I watch some random crime drama).

When it comes to socks, I usually throw them into whatever laundry basket they belong to without the match. However, I’m starting to see the error of my ways. I never know when there is a missing sock. So I end up with lots of unused socks sitting in a drawer and then mornings are filled with fighting….about favorites that no one has seen in 4 months but “I HAVE TO HAVE THEM TODAY!” Nobody wants that. SO…..I have to rethink my method.

Recently, I re-started matching the girls socks, at least. Once I started this, I needed a spot to keep unmatched socks.

I knew I wasn’t going to keep this up, so I didn’t make anything special BUT if you want some ideas, check these out:

  • Single, seeking soul mate sign found here
  • Missing sock frame found here
  • Till we meet again rack found here

The other trick I’m going to try is putting all socks in a lingerie bag. If I wash and dry them in a bag like this, they will never lose their match……RIGHT?!?!?!?! Now to figure out how to get the kids to put the socks in the lingerie bag before washing (or losing the socks)

3 – Lint Trash Bucket

It is an extremely important task to empty the lint trap while doing laundry. It will prevent your house from catching fire (most importantly) but a clean lint trap quickens drying time AND lowers your electricity bill. However, it is a tedious task. And if you (really I mean me) have to walk 10 feet to throw away the lint, it might not get done. So………I highly recommend adding a lint trash bucket.

And the best part – you can make your own using the tools you already have out to make your tip jar.

Here is what you’ll need:


Similar steps to the tip jar but you will start with your bucket. I recommend using a tall or wide bucket. Make sure it is clean and dry.

I received this from The Grove Collaborative when I ordered some cleaning supplies. They are always offering VIP gifts with purchases. I have a ceramic tray on a window sill, produce sponge, cup cleaner, and something else. I painted the other side of this bucket.

Tape off the shape you want – square, triangle, diamond…I did a square (like I did in my tip jar).

Using a foam brush, spread the chalkboard paint inside your shape. Wait one hour before applying another coat.

Use your chalk marker (or chalk), write “lint” in whatever fancy font you want.

Again, not an expert with the chalk marker but it’s fancy enough for me.

4 – Laundry Sorter

The entire process of sorting laundry is soooooo boring! So how can we forego this? Simple – add a laundry sorter like this.

BOOM! Organized laundry room AKA cash cow/match maker!!

Check out this post to find out more about our new laundry room.

Do you have laundry room accessories? I want more….so share the ideas below!!!

Happy Crafting,

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