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Hello and thank you for being here!!!
On this page, you will learn about the makers of Kuball’s Khaos, how we’ve created our own organized chaos, and decided to share it with YOU! Welcome. We hope you enjoy your time here!
First, you need to understand that we are real people living real lives. Kris and I have been married for 16 years, together for 20. We have wonderful moments and not so pretty ones. I think that is to be expected with three children.
Our boy child is 22 (I don’t know how this happens so quickly), middle child who is 14 (apparently I have a LOT of learning to do with this one), and small child, the mouthiest 12 year old I’ve ever met. As if that isn’t enough, we have 3 dogs and a HUGE saltwater fish tank. We both work high-stress jobs outside of our home. THUS…the need for some organization to our daily chaos.
We aren’t perfect, but we want to share our story of how a little organization can make those chaotic days seem like a walk in the park (or at least make it so you don’t want to jump off the bridge in the park). And believe me……..we are learning as we go too!
Another important piece of info – I make random references to songs and movies. I might say a BAD word or 2 but it’s who I am!
A few tips for the blog –
All affiliate links are in my custom periwinkle.
See my FULL DISCLAIMER here. I do earn a small commission if you buy from my links, but it does not cost you anything extra.
All links to my other blog posts are in my custom color too. If I’ve included them, chances are it relates to the story I’m currently telling.
Not sure where you should start?
Are you a working mom or dad looking for some help on how to organize your kids?
Check out these posts to get those kids involved in your transformation.
Trying to find a balance in your every day duties and stay sane while doing it? Check out these posts.
Need some ideas for vacations or family fun opportunities?? Check out these posts.
Need a perfect birthday party idea? With 3 kids – I’ve had my share of birthday parties. BUT I’ve created a fool-proof list of how to plan the perfect party.
I let my middle child write some of her own content. It isn’t Pulitzer Prize winning stuff, but it makes her feel like a part of the blog and has encouraged her with her writing. So check her out, leave her some comments….she loves it!
Are you disorganized but want to be better?
Check out the room by room transformation here.
Are you struggling with all the chemicals in our family’s lives?
Me too!!!! Check out these tips to help get you get away from the chemicals and use natural options.
Want to try your hand at feeding your family?
Oh my garden, I love my garden. I love plants….but I wasn’t always a green thumb. Here I share tricks I’ve learned over the years and I am still learning.
Style questions? Check us out –
In the home decor section – I offer tutorials on the projects I’ve taken on in my home. Some of them I had assistance by family and friends, but ALL of them are done with LOVE.
Decorating for holidays is one of my favorite things. I give you tips on cute crafts and easy ways to decorate for each holiday here.
I hope you enjoy the blog as much as I do.