How to Organize Your Corner Cabinet Lazy Susan


Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Yes, whoever invented the Lazy Susan (or in my case Lazy Daisy) was pure genius.

The corner cabinets are usually underutilized because they have empty space. They end up being deep cabinets that no one can reach into or the builder blocks them off.

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I love this thing. The space is fully used, it cleans easily, and anything can be stored in it.

If you have a Lazy Susan, you can store:

  • Extra supplies – extra ketchup, dressings, or anything you only need one at a time
  • Soup – keeping these easy to find, easy to see what you have
  • Pots and Pans – easy to reach
  • Less used appliances – toasters, blenders, hand mixers
  • Anything that doesn’t have another home

Mine is a smorgasbord of things that didn’t have another home……………there is method to the madness though. Not very organized but method is there.

Corner cabinet Lazy Susan

I have always used it in this way so I’m not changing it now.

Top quarter turn
Top end of the turn
Bottom full view

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As with all organizing journeys, start here

Pull everything out. Once everything is on the counter, use this time to check expiration dates.

I’m not sure how you feel about this…..but I don’t like expired canned goods living in my house.

Is it really NON-perishable? If so, then why does it have an expiration date? Technically it’s a “best by” date, but stillllllllll……………..

I went on a fact finding mission for all of us on this one. Turns out, frozen and shelf-stable (canned) foods are safe WAY past their best by date. The big deal is quality – it may change the flavor or make it stale but it is still edible. Check out this article by the USDA explaining all of this for us foolish food wasters. Not gonna lie – I was wondering why all those Doomsday Prep folks stocked up on these thing….NOW I know and so can you.

We love beans in this house!
All my Soda Stream needs – read more about that here

Y’all this was dirty. Mrs. Meyers wasn’t going to be enough.

I guess one of the Soda Stream flavors leaked, cause this was sticky!

Good thing I got this great gadget for Christmas -actually mine sold out but this is almost identical – hand held steamer found here.

After following the manufacturers recommendations, I steamed cleaned the shelving and wiped with Mrs. Meyers.

Look at this thing of beauty

My favorite part!!!!!!

Keeping like things together but it has to make sense to you and your family.

I saw these cute bins that would fit perfectly in the Lazy Susan. But I only ordered one set to make sure I liked them and they made sense………turns out I only wanted to top to have them anyway.

I needed the 6 pack found here

Fortunately, I was able to reuse some of the weave containers from my pantry makeover on the bottom shelf. I also moved the Halloween/Christmas candy off the counter-top and put it in here.

Here is the after

Do you have a Lazy Susan in your corner cabinet? How do you use yours?

Happy Organizing,

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