Project backyard….part 1
We have a porch and a very boring backyard. ☹️
Our neighborhood doesn’t have a community pool 😦
Slip and slides get boring. You can only ask friends to go swimming so many times a summer before they feel like you are using them….so what should we do?
Save!!! For years!!!! Finally, we decided we had enough for the pool we wanted.
All 5 of us got a blank paper and drew our perfect pool. It was amazing…we all drew the same kind of pool. Kidney shaped with a step in. Now some of us had different sizes and accessories but overall we were all in agreement.
Now, the work of deciding who and how much was up to the man with connections. Kris handled all of that. I will tell you we had to settle on waiting another year for some of the things we wanted. It’s ok. Reality check.
Once all the technical stuff was done, we got a computer aided drawing of the pool in our yard. And man, we were surprised by the size. We made minimal changes to some of the curves but overall kept it the same.
We got approved by the county for building permits. And the HOA approved our plan! The very next day –

It’s official right?!??? Really….we waited almost another week.
Then one day we came home to this layout.

One corner was WAY closer to the house then I thought it would be so I made a simple request to move it. Hahahahahahah simple! Actually the guys all said it was too close and if I wanted to change it TODAY was the only day I could!
Because the next day….

They started digging and then it rained. Finally on a Saturday, the whole crew came over…by the end of the day we had this –

But guess what happened that night? Rain 🌧 but these guys were pros.

No worries. They have had this happen before! The following Monday they were pouring concrete.

The electrician came with his drone and took some really cool pictures of our backyard.
It was another 2 weeks before we saw more progress. The electrician had to lay lines and insert pumps….nothing exciting to anyone but us!! Because we knew with each day, we were closer to a pool.
Then the pavers arrived…this was the piece that made us get our butts in gear. What are we going to do for furniture?

When the pavers were done, the plaster went in!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!!

And here we are. Ready for water.
Stay tuned for the big reveal!!!!