Family Camping Trip – Day 2


We all survived day 1!!!! No 🐻bears, 🦁lions, or deadly bugs🐝🐜🦟🦗🕷 came to eat us!!!

It was a little chilly but the little ones didn’t seem to care. The boy said he was cold. We figured out that he wasn’t using his sleeping bag correctly, so that was fixed the next night.

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Like normal, we woke up around 7:30 am. We had neighbors on either side of us, so when their little ones got up….so did ours.

Trying to warm up by the fire

Since it was still cool, we started a fire and brewed some coffee. Mom and Dad determined that it was time for a NEW percolator. This has served its purpose but……it was toast! I already picked out the next one.

Dad started the bacon and eggs. The girls ate cereal….

We decided today was site seeing day. Devils Fork has many waterfalls but are only accessible but boat. This means we had to find a boat…hmmm.

Part of why we decided to go to this State Park was their readily accessible canoes, kayaks, and pontoon boats. Since we would only be there for one more day and we didn’t get moving until 11, the pontoon was a waste of money. Also, since there were 5 of us…the canoe was kinda pointless. So we went with a 2 seater and a 3 seater kayak. This put dad and a child in the 2 seater while Mom, boy child and smallest child went into the 3 seater.

After some arguing….mother and son figured out the best way to tackle the rowing. However, it was really windy and we decided there was no way we could make it to the waterfalls AND back! We took a pit stop on a sandy beach, had some sandwiches, and determined the best way ‘home.’ We switched seats on the way back….much better but what do I know?!?!

Wish we made it to the waterfalls… time!!! But we did decide that we are going to invest in kayaks and row around the inlet.

Everyone spent the rest of the afternoon hiking around and relaxing. The older 2 went back out on the kayaks. Liam showed her how to row, and she did such a great job!!!!

We had steak on the open fire grill. This was a bit of a challenge since the fire pit was a little small. But we made it work.

We cleaned and poked sweet potatoes, wrapped them in foil 3 times, and threw them right into the fire! Y’all if you’ve never done this… must try it!!! You don’t need butter or sugar or cinnamon…..super yummy!!! The girls ate macaroni and cheese with hot dogs over the fire.

Funny story: Our neighbors made chili and offered some to us. He said he made enough to feed the whole camp site. We declined because Kris said I bought ‘dinosaur’ steaks!!! When dinner was over, his wife came over and told us that she had been out of town for work the week leading up to this trip so he did all the shopping and he does NOT know how to do anything small. Hmmmmm sound familiar? Does anyone else bring leftovers home from camping?!?!?!?

Playing cards with her headlamp

This night was fun!!!!!!! All five of us played Uno until it was too dark to see even with the lanterns. When I took the girls to the bathroom before bed, Kris added some firewood, as he normally does. Well, he had found a few large pieces and threw them on.

When I got back, it looked like he threw lighter fluid on the fire. Haha – the neighbors came over and asked what he did. Apparently he found some fatwood, which is dried pine….who knew? Well, it was a very bright and warm fire. Liam played us some Logic and told us the story of his new book.

We all decided we could have stayed ONE more day……next time!

Stay tuned for some video on our YouTube page.

Happy camping,

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