Daily Routine

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Someone asked me how I was able to accomplish all of this in a day. I put on a cape and my tightest spandex and paraded around like a superhero! 😂😂 Not really, it’s my daily routine that keeps us moving.

Yes, I work OUTSIDE of my home (most days). Yes, I have 1 husband, 3 children, 3 dogs, and 1 guinea pig. Yes, I am currently getting a masters degree. I don’t wake up earlier or go to bed later to accomplish any of these things. I just have a daily routine.

I’ve learned a couple things along the way, that I will share and hopefully they will help you too!!!

  • My dogs make bigger messes than my kids! I found an old wicker basket to put their toys in….they find a way to get them all out. And they have NO idea how to put them back in. RUDE!


So I wake up at 5:45am. Shower myself. It’s important – I don’t want to be the smelly kid in class. I wake up the girls when I get out, around 6:00-6:10 depends on what kind of day it is. The biggest kid should wake himself up, but….he doesn’t. So around 6:50 I make sure he is up.

  • Kids get themselves ready. Sometimes they take showers. Sometimes it’s a bath the night before. But the girls get dressed, brush hair and teeth, get socks and shoes on….then eat breakfast.
  • Something I learned give them a morning routine playlist. Get 7 of their favorite songs…and hit play. The first morning you’ll direct them – when the first song is over be dressed. Second song – hair etc. The only time this changes is for showers. But then they get 2 songs while in the shower. My kids would take 30 minute shower if I let them.

See 25 minutes. If the playlist ends and they aren’t at the table – they get breakfast in a bag!!!! (We change the songs weekly because they get a little bored.)

They are usually downstairs between 6:40-6:50. Socks and shoes on before breakfast!!! It’s usually cereal for breakfast, maybe toast….if there is lots of time, they can have waffles (the frozen, pop-in-the-toaster kind).

While they are eating, I make their lunches – I talked about that in this post. I make my coffee, let the dogs out & feed them. If I’m making dinner, throw the meat in a plastic bowl, put it in the sink, fill it up with cold water, and walk away!

Off to School

By 7…..time to get going. Dishes in the sink, book bags on (must pack these the night before!!!) and out the door by 7:00-7:10.

I always allow 10 extra minutes because there are mornings when arguing happens and if it makes me late, I get more frustrated.

Off to Work

Drop them off at school and I’m at work by 8….usually. Again, depends on the drop off line, traffic, and if I have to stop and get my mommy juice.

I work 8-5. Or have clinical during those hours.

After School & Work

In general, I pick the kids up from after school between 5:30-5:45. Since it’s mostly 5:30 we’ll go with that time table. Home by 6, at the latest.

You saw my simple dinner plans here. If it isn’t my night to cook, I’ll do dishes. If I’m cooking, hubby or middle child unloads dishwasher. We eat between 6:30-7. By 7:15, we are cleaning up dinner (by we….I mean the person that didn’t make dinner).

After dinner, the kids get a choice to relax/play for 30 minutes then do homework. Or do homework first. They usually do homework first and finish so fast that they have a lot more play time.

I will sit at the table with them and do my own homework. When they are done, they can go play until 9. I do homework until 8.

Something I learned – When they are done with homework, they need to pack their book bags. I check agendas and folders. If I make them re-pack the bags, they can put whatever they want in there. No worrying about morning, last minute….I forgot I wanted to bring all my markers!


We are approaching bedtime, get jammies on. What do you want for lunch tomorrow? I try to prepare as much as possible. Some things I have to heat the next morning but if everything else is right, we have no problems.

Then it’s bedtime. No later than 9 but usually it’s before that. I pick up any leftover messes from 8-8:30 – sometimes it’s laundry, dog messes, or just shoes. Then I work on my projects from 8:30-9:30.

Adult time is 9:30-11ish…..we are getting old. So…..sometimes that is 8pm. Not gonna lie here!

I had some energy and motivation in January. Doesn’t mean February will bring the same….be thankful for what you get when you get it! It really is amazing how motivated you become when you see a change.

Do you have a daily routine? What are your tricks to get everyone up and moving in the morning? After school/work routine?

Be Well,

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