February – Clothing Donation Month

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February is a month for love….and practicing kindness is part of that love. During our 12 months of giving challenge, we take something in our own home and donate it to our community. February is clothing donation month.

A way to declutter AND help others….who wouldn’t want to do that?

Show of hands??

For February, we are going to focus on clothing.

I suggest setting aside several days for this adventure. Whether you tackle a little each day or spend an entire day doing it, we all need to clean out our closets and dressers.

Where do we start:

Make a list of rooms and clothing storage units:

  • Hubby closet and dresser
  • My closet and dresser
  • Oldest dresser
  • Youngest dresser

Some of these tasks are going to require a lot of work.

Rules of engagement:

You can use the KonMari method, if you want. But clothing doesn’t spark my joy….so these are my questions –

  1. Does it fit?
  2. Do I like the way it looks on me?
  3. Will I wear it?

If any of these questions has a “NO” answer, GONE!

Purging is the most important part of the process – and it feels really great to have a fresh start.

We decided to take each dresser drawer by drawer, one day at a time, in reverse order from the list.

Youngest child’s dresser:

Top drawer:

Undies, socks, bathing suits, and gymnastics leotards.

Well, score one for Mom cause the leos are too small but I know just the kiddo that can use them!

I don’t know how you feel about this….but I don’t think underwear is a donate-able item? Is it?

I didn’t take pictures of this drawer….privacy is very important!!!!

Second drawer:


This was just a matter of size and does she wear it.

Third drawer:


We figured out what fit, what she would wear, and then separated by types of shirts. Long sleeves, short sleeves, and school/camp shirts.

Fourth drawer:


Really, it was separate pants and shorts.

Last drawer:


Summer, winter, and fancy dresses. Well, not too many fit anymore. 😥 AND we found some sweatshirt in there!

Middle child’s dresser:

This one is a little easier because she just went through a growth spurt and we had to determine what she had after everything looked like she was waiting for a flood. Needless to say, she does not have an overabundance of clothing right now.

In fact, it wasn’t even worth going through it.

Oldest child’s dresser and closet:

My son has already completed his task and ended up with a 30 gallon trash bag FULL!

I didn’t even have time to take before pictures.

Since the kids did such an amazing job during their February clothing donation challenge, Mom and Dad had to hold up their end of the bargain.

Hubby’s dresser and closet

Since the master closet makeover, my husband and I have kept up with our closets fairly well. So the purge in here was pretty limited. UNTIL……..I went to his dresser………………………………………………………………………….

Ummmmmmmmm…………………….I love him. I really do.

I’m going to show you the before pictures – there is nothing to say….

Socks….there were about 4 that were paired…because I don’t do it for him when I do the laundry.
Graphic T-shirts
Comfy pants, swim trunks
I couldn’t even open this drawer…

Top drawer:

I do NOT know why ONE person would need all of these socks…..but he claims he does. Dress socks for work, white socks for sneakers, and warm socks for cold weather.

Second drawer:

Home to the white t’s and…underwear?

I guess when you have an entire drawer FULL of socks you can’t make room for underwear in there…so the next best place is the next drawer – with your white t-shirts….whatever works for the user!

No picture….again privacy issues…..

Third drawer:

This is where the greatest purge took place. Many of these shirts haven’t been worn in years….I removed them and refolded the rest.

Fourth drawer:

The comfy drawer!

I found 3 pairs of pants BEHIND this drawer. Do you know what this tells me? Things were stuffed so tight in there the pants started running away! HAHAHA!

Bottom drawer:

I couldn’t open this drawer when I started. Of course, when I removed the runaway pants from the above drawer, I was able to move it a little. I literally had to remove 5 pairs of shorts to open the drawer.

My dresser and closet

Since I had done this about a year ago, my dresser and closet were not in need of a complete overhaul….like some people.

But some drawers needed attention –

Jammie drawer

I have a TON of comfortable pants that I don’t wear. Time to give them away.

YES, I still have a t-shirt from my high school softball team!

Shirt drawer

I have accumulated several shirts this year…therefore I must get rid of some.


This was pretty easy because it was mainly my shoes and of course my Thirty One collection that needed organizing.

I got rid of 4 pairs of shoes. And decided that my Thirty One Collection isn’t that bad this time!

PHEW! This concludes our February Clothing Donation Month for our 12 months of Giving Challenge.

Did you miss last months giving challenge? Check it out here!

Happy Donating,

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