Kids Bathroom Clean Up

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I am not going to lie…I don’t pay any attention to the kids bathrooms. It is time for a kids bathroom clean up!

The oldest kid is old enough to pick up after himself and no one else uses his bathroom. The girls have a Jack and Jill bathroom that guests use. Well, I have neglected it for several years for several reasons BUT today we tackle the issues and start planning a new decorating scheme.

When we bought the house, we loved the idea of the girls having a bathroom in between their rooms AND separate sinks. I envision teenage years with LESS drama. The thing is….I never painted or hung a picture…I know you are shocked.

I’m not really sure why I put off decorating rooms for so long. I haven’t done my own bedroom either….I’m a procrastinator, that’s why!

So each girl has a sink and vanity in the main part of this bathroom. The toilet and shower have a separate smaller room with a door.

The vanities are a problem. We have these lovely ladies that come every other Friday to clean the house. They literally move anything in their way and hide it in a drawer or cabinet. Well, this is what happens when they do that in little girl’s bathrooms.

And the drawers aren’t much better.

They gave up on trying to find anything in there. It was getting frustrating. They claimed they didn’t have enough toothpaste and hair ties, when I knew I just bought them some….it was time to take their bathroom back!

Like every organizing project –

1 – Remove all items and PURGE!

Empty bottles of hair spray, mouth wash, and shampoo were kept under the sink. There were cups and washcloths all over the place. So many useless things…in the trash, washer, or dishwasher.

2 – Organize like things

Hair things in one place. Teeth things in one place. And so on….

3 – Clean

Wipe all sides of the cabinets and drawers with Mrs. Meyers.

4 – Replace

Put everything back as you organized in step 2. Remember, it has to make sense to the user. I asked each girl how they wanted to organize their things. Of course, they needed a little guidance but they did a great job!

We took a quick trip to The Dollar Tree and grabbed some plastic bins, organizers, and shelving separators and put them to work.

I’m really proud of the girls and the end products. They picked some items at The Dollar Tree to use in the future…”like for hair dryers and curlers for when I’m 10.”

Before and afters:

And now, they are ready to have a real bathroom. They want paint and mermaids, pictures and a real towel rack, AND rugs that match. It’s not too lofty of an idea. But I can’t keep all these things in my head anymore.

So – I had to make a design board. I know, weird, right? But I found an app that helped me organize my thoughts with their thoughts and then I could get the end product that everyone was going to be happy with.

I think we are getting somewhere with this. The cabinets are scratched and I really want to try my hand at painting them (even though there is a naysayer among us). If we stick with a gray, then we can match the master bath cabinets….yup, yup…making sense?

The shower curtain and rug are currently in the bathroom. We want to keep it because it isn’t too kid-ish and incorporates all their favorite colors.

I decided that I dislike painting. Probably why I let Kris do it most of the time. So….this is my starting place. More to follow.

Sometimes cleaning and making things more organized can lead to bigger changes. BUT you have to start somewhere.

Happy organizing,

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