Budget Friendly Tips for Linen Closet Makeover in 2019
We all have closets that hold our towels….RIGHT?? What does your look like? I’ll show you mine….if you show me yours……wait, that didn’t come out right…..Anyway….welcome to how we simplified our linen closet, taking chaos to calm using easy steps.
This closet is in the Jack and Jill bathroom between the girls bedrooms, but it also serves the guest room….therefore, it serves OUR GUESTS. However, it’s not very guest friendly right now. Things – they are a changin’!
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Current situation:

Too many towels….too many sheets….do they even match?
As always, start here:
Remove and PURGE
Take all the items out of the closet. I put mine on the bed closest to the closet.
Match all the sheet sets…fitted sheet, flat sheet, and at least 2 pillowcases. That is how you buy them, as sets, makes sense right?
This process made my pile dwindle to 2 queens sets and one twin set. Years ago, I worked at a hotel where I learned that rolling sheet sets up together helps store them so that pieces don’t go missing.
Find any ripped, stained, or smelly towels and trash them (give them to your favorite animal shelter….they can use them for all sorts of things!!)
How many beach towels is too many? Asking for a friend……
Really, since we finished the pool, I don’t need these beach towels in here. They belong by the pool….
Get rid of any worthless (to you) blankets. HINT: see above comment about animal shelters.
I found one of those bed buddy things for a twin bed…we have one twin bed and it’s in the form of a pullout loveseat. I don’t need this thing!
Extra Personal Items
I decided I’m a horrible hostess because I never have extra soap available for the guests using the GUEST bathroom. Since I keep hand soap on both sinks and there are toiletries (cotton swabs, cotton balls) in the drawers I just assumed that was enough….beginning to think I was wrong in that assumption!
According to various sources, there should be fresh flowers, fancy decorations, and a robe and slippers. Well, I am not the Ritz and I think that my guests know that by now. I will think of something during this linen closet makeover.
I rolled up my “full sets” and placed them standing upright in these cute fabric bins.
I kept a few extra pillowcases, some of them have sentimental value…..but only 2 per kid!
Separate washcloths and hand towels. I used these bins to store them. Sticking with the rolled up method because it leads to more efficient storage.

Once I got rid of the icky towels, I needed some new ones….I went with gray and white.
Extra Personal Items
I decided to add a few things to make our guests not panic when they go to shower and all they have available is “Frozen” shampoo and body wash.
Using these cute apothecary jars, I added some soap. AND made it easier to find cotton balls and cotton swabs.

I also added some Mini Storage Bins for extra toilet paper and tissues.
At least it looks a little more friendly now.

Now for the before and after:

Happy Organizing,