Master Closet Makeover – Part 1

I am so embarrassed by this… closet. It is full of old clothing that I haven’t worn in years. A size (or 2) too small….time to get real here. I will never be a size 6 again….as sad as that makes me….I am going to get real today! Welcome to my master closet makeover!

It is a mess. Between Thirty One merchandise, scrubs, AND fancy clothes, I have lost control of my master closet.

Current situation

Right side
Which is worse…top or bottom?
Holy jeans Batman!
Good lord!!

Remove and PURGE!

As always, the first order of business is to take everything out. I put everything on my bed and began the process.

  1. Does it fit?
  2. Will I wear it?
  3. Do I like it?

4 trash bags of donations to Goodwill. 1 bag to a friend’s daughter full of those no longer needed small sizes. Another bag full of old scrubs and slightly larger sizes going to a friend. I kept 2 pairs of certain jeans (my favorites that I wouldn’t be able to replace if I got to that size again).

Phew! Now what?!?


Separate piles into work clothes, tanks, button ups, jackets, jeans, dress pants, dresses, and sweaters. To help me find things easier, I kept like things together.

I am soooo excited!!!!

So the bins sitting at the top of my closet have sweaters, sweatshirts, summer T-shirt’s, extra tanks, and swimsuits. We’ll change that with seasons. AND – I found my Coach purses!!!!

Next, the bottom of the closet.

I pulled everything out and went through the 5 plastic bins that has no clear reason for being in there.

One box was full of my husbands shoes….why was it in my closet?!?! One plastic bin full of donations I never took to donate. Oh, enlisted my personal assistant aka my son to take stuff to goodwill (funny story – he came home with a new sweatshirt. He decided to go shopping while he was there). One bin of memories – yearbooks, kids memories, and special magazines (think Beatles on the cover of Rolling Stone).

Using this shoe organizer, I finally got my shoes under control. Unfortunately, I only got rid of 4 pairs of shoes.

And then there was my Thirty One stock. 😳

Just like the clothes, I separated all the merchandise into like things and started snapping pictures. Once I edited the pictures, I posted them on my fan page on Facebook. Sold 10 items in an hour!!!! Now to sell the other 45 items. More like 145 items. I’ll get there. Anyone interested???


Last thing I tackled in my master closet makeover was my dresser. Ummmmmm not as bad but……pretty bad.

Tanks, work out clothes, and sweatpants I think
Pajammie jams
T-shirts, perhaps the most sentimental drawer

Same process

Start by dumping everything onto the bed. Separate by likeness. I ended up with one more bag of donations and happiness.

Oh look….I can see
I’m gonna go ahead and crawl into some of these now
1/3 of the socks as before
I didn’t know I owned more than 3 T-shirt’s I could wear. AND yes, I’m plugging my teams!!!

Before and afters:

Top: before – dresses, pants, jeans, bridesmaid dresses
Bottom: after – jeans, capris, scrubs (downsized due to my almost new career)
Top: before – A REAL look at the jeans
Bottom: after – made room to see my dresses
Top: before – Too many scrubs!
Bottom: after – work shirts (for the new career), long sleeves, dressy, and tanks
Dress pants are over to the right
Top: before – jackets, work shirts, casual shirts….shirts that didn’t belong on hangers
Bottom: after – jackets, sweaters, vest. Look at those empty hangers!!!!!

It’s so nice to feel like I’ve done something good for myself.

I can’t even believe this!!!!

Remember, just start somewhere,

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