Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

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Personally, I love this holiday. Not because I am a MOM but because I get to celebrate my MOM! She is pretty awesome. I mean, I like being spoiled by my husband and kids as much as the next, but I really enjoy giving gifts!

Gifts for Moms aren’t always easy….some don’t like jewelry, flowers, or chocolate. Some moms are offended by the practical gifts…like vacuums (not me…I ask for things like Dysons and Roombas). So what kind of ideas can adult children give their mom without breaking the bank?

1 – Pictures in frames

Those “never given away, always begging to be handed out” school pictures, slap them in a frame and you have a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day gift. You can even make your own frame or let the kids decorate one.

2 – Pictures on things

Coffee mugs, mouse pads, calendars….collect a year’s with of photos from your phone or camera and go to Shutterfly. BOOM! I am such a nice daughter, I even collect photos from my sister and add my nephew to the calendar.

3 – Wine bottle labels

This one was my personal favorite. But there were sooo many to choose from here.

4 – Spa Gift Cards

Let me be very clear about this…if you are a MOM and have never had a massage – you need one NOW! I was apprehensive the first time, but once I felt the difference it can make, I was hooked. I go at least once a year but I would love to go more often. Spa gift cards are also good for manicures, pedicures, facials, and even hair cuts/color. My husband gets me the “Spa Finder” cards, I go online, pick what service I want this time (massage, facial etc) and search for a provider near me. One time, I called a spa that was recommended but not on the website to ask them if they would accept the card, the owner said she would take it, she just doesn’t advertise on the actual website. So even if you don’t see your favorite spa online, call them and ask if they’ll accept the card.

5 – Subscriptions to book services

My mother LOVES to read. But she has to spend hours in her car, fighting traffic to get to and from work. Imagine if she had to cook dinner, clean up kids, and never had time to read?? What would she do???? She would want Audible books.

Ok I’m just naming the things I want…..

So I will add……

6 – Housecleaning service

Again, if you are a MOM and you don’t have one of these yourself…..WHY?!?!?!?! My mother is so particular about cleaning, I remember having to re-clean the bathroom 4 times as a kid EVERY weekend. “Did you wipe the back to the toilet?” “Did you clean the mirror?” “Did you spray the bottom of the curtain?” You get the point….BUT because she was made me do those things, I am particular too. So not just anyone can clean my house. I would imagine my Mom is still like that about cleaning too, so…..a nice deep clean that she doesn’t have to do would be a special treat. Maybe like ME doing it for her as a kid….hmmmm……Anyway, Amazon has a great service to find Housecleaner.

Happy gift giving,

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