Reset Your Life – NO Fast Food


I can’t believe I’ve stuck to the NO fast food challenge for 2 weeks!!! HOORAY me!!!! How do you do?? Do you break???? Convinence win out in your house?

No one has died, no one has been beaten, and most importantly – I am still (mostly) sane. We’ve had some tears about dinner time but overall….it’s been successful.

2 of the 3 kids are eating like champs and loving trying new things. In fact, last night the smallest one ate a little piece of everyone’s dinner (we went out to celebrate some bravery – long story) and loved everything. The middle child….didn’t like what she picked out because there was too much butter?!?!? So she switched with her sister, and ate a quarter of her food. Hey – at least she ate something other than Kraft Mac n cheese!

In continuing with the no fast food idea – I am going to stick to my menu and have a back up plan in case that doesn’t turn out well. For example, how many times do I hear “I don’t like that…” A MILLION! It doesn’t matter if they’ve never tried it…..they don’t like the sound of it. I need to make up other names….I should give the meals names that correspond with their favorite movie at the time.

Contingency Plan

I digress – if something gets burned, is gross, or isn’t finished by the time everyone is ready to eat, I have a contingency plan. SPAGHETTI! I always have pre-made spaghetti. But really, this works for us, I have also used Breakfast for Dinner as a contingency plan. This will ensure that I won’t stop at a fast food place because the children gang up on me! I won’t talk about Uber Eats though…..cause you can get fast food delivered to you now. Thank god they didn’t have this when I was a kid.

Today’s other mission was to keep the house tidy…..the littlest munchkin had to pick up all her school stuff before going to bed, the middle (or knee high as they say in the south) child had to put away her clothes and shoes, since she didn’t do it yesterday. AND the boy…..oh boy……since he started driving I feel like I never see him. Is this normal? He remembered to take out the trash….amazing! This is working out for us!

Feel like I’m finally winning,

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