How to Throw the Perfect Superhero Birthday Party


Everyone loves a good superhero birthday party. Am I right? Well, our duo (my youngest and my nephew) are no different.

So using my ultimate party planning guide, I started the process. Want a copy of the guide? Get it here.

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The kids decided on the theme this year. They came to an agreement and it was perfect for both of them. Superheroes! My nephew is a SPIDERMAN freak and my daughter loves Wonder Woman. 


Keeping the superhero theme in mind, we decided my house would be the best place to have this party. However, I am told that trampoline parks will help with this theme but don’t discount Build-a-Bear and rooms you can rent in hotels, recreation centers, and community centers.


Check with other parents to make sure you don’t plan parties on the same day. Also, if you are planning on outdoor activites, be sure to check the weather otherwise you have to be able to move the games inside. Hence why trampoline parks would be a GREAT place to have this theme party!


I am not a comic book girl, but I LOVE MARVEL movies!!!! Iron Man, Thor, X-men, Dead Pool…..yes please! Oh but the kids….they like them too. They had no idea that their 2 favorites were from different comic “worlds” so I had to find an invitation that had Spiderman and Wonder Woman. Who came to the rescue?? Etsy. That site has saved my life. I swear!!

For $6.75 I got this cute invitation. 


This may have been the easiest party to do decorations for because Target had all the plates, table covers, and napkins we needed. Since we had to find Justice League and Avengers, Target had a great mix of each kind to make everyone happy. And of course, I used my REDCARD and got 5% off my entire purchase!!! Then I turned my focus to games and getting the kids outside!!

We also used toys the kids already had to help us decorate. 

Spiderman, Captain America, Ironman, Spiderman, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Super Girl


I kept the food simple, it was at 3pm so I didn’t feel obligated to feed them a meal.


  • Cheese balls
  • Fruit tray with cream cheese dip
  • Chips and salsa
  • Veggie tray with ranch dip
  • Cheese and meat tray

Oh boy…..the cupcakes were so special as they were made by a special family friend for the birthday kiddos! 


I had the most fun planning games for the kids. Since it was a superhero birthday party, all games were centered around the heroes.

First, we gave them their superhero costumes which included masks and capes. Some kids came dressed in some kind of superhero shirt or costume and even a few moms and dads!!!

These are my 2 girls….crooked! AHAHAHAHAHA 

Then we went outside to play our games.

Frisbee toss



  1. Cover each aluminum can with different colored tissue paper using the glue sticks
  2. Cut circle with the blue construction paper
  3. Cut a star with the white construction paper
  4. Glue to white star onto the blue circle
  5. Glue to blue circle onto the frisbee
  6. Stand the cans up in a pyramid
  7. Let the kids throw frisbees at them to knock them down

Spider Web Throwing



  1. Lay out the wrapping paper, placing heavy things on the edges to keep it still
  2. Draw a web….as you can see, mine was less than perfect
  3. Tape to a study surface outside
  4. Let the kids aim the silly string at the web (one can of string per kid)

Hulk Weight Lifting Challenge



  1. Spray paint the foam balls black
  2. Spray paint the dowel silver
  3. Stick the dowel through the foam balls
  4. Secure the dowel with wood glue or crazy glue – because it will come loose
  5. Write “100” on each foam ball
  6. Let the kids lift it and pretend they are struggling….or Hulk smash it down (hence why you need to crazy glue)

Superman Wind Bowling Contest

This was a simple game to plan, because I just grabbed some bubbles and put them in a basket. One bottle per kid!

Sky Scraper Fly By Challenge

We pulled out our small outdoor slide then told the kids to slide down, jump down, or scale up the side.

Goodie Bags

The goodie bags for this party were filled with all the things we used for our games including silly string (if there was any left), bubbles, frisbees, capes, and masks as well as the certificate they earned.

We had a lot of fun with this party. I hope this helps you have a great superhero birthday party too!!!!

Happy Party Planning,

What kind of birthday parties do you have? Give us some ideas!!!!

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